Monday, March 17, 2008

A regular comedian...

Jackson's sense of humor is...well...maturing (?). He loves telling knock-knock jokes. They go something like this:

Jack: Knock-knock!
Me: Who's there?
Jack: Mama Head!
Me: Huh?
Jack: Unsuppressable giggles

He also substitutes "Mama Head" with "Daddy Head," "Abby Head," "Pillow Head," "Book Head," etc. No idea where the "head" reference originated... The other version of his knock-knock joke is "flub," i.e. "Mama Flub," "Daddy Flub," etc. HILARIOUS (?).

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Katy, I love your little stories that you tell about Jackson, they always make me laugh out loud...keep em coming....I miss you and hope you are your kiddos are doing well.