Monday, November 26, 2007

Abby's Walking - Officially!

She cruises up and down the hall and has mastered the art of navigating around corners and through doorways - just a few weeks shy of her first birthday. On Sunday, Jackson played "chase" with Abby. It was hilarious to watch her try to escape her brother's clutches, waddling as quickly as she could around the kitchen and laughing hysterically all the while.

Scott videotaped her new skill and used his masterful editing skills to create the attached movie. Four things to note:

1) Listen to Jackson saying "She's walking, Dada," in the background. Ridiculously cute.
2) Enjoy the crusty nose and Abby's ladylike nose-picking.
3) Dance along to Abby's groove scene, creatively edited by her proud papa.
4) Enjoy the music of Swell Season's "Falling Slowing." Seemed a pretty appropriate pick for this clip, as Abby stumbles around like a drunk and is always on the brink of falling.


Mishlers said...

So so cute! She is adorable showing off those walking skills! Great job Scott with the editing!

Racheal said...

Okay completely darling! I can't belive how fast she is growing....Didn't you just tell me in the car when we went visiting teaching that you we're pregnant???It can't possible be that long ago!
I miss you so much.....We need to hang out again!

pepper said...

so super cute! we love Abby.

Courtney said...